2023年世界制造业大会 2023 World Manufacturing Convention


    According to reports, the World Manufacturing Convention will have exhibition areas for key industries, major manufacturing countries, advantageous industry chains, digital transformation, and national specialized and innovative "Little Giants." The Convention will focus on the latest achievements in the global manufacturing industry, including quantum computers, powerful rockets, maglev trains capable of speeds up to 600 kilometers per hour, superconducting proton therapy systems, and 80,000-ton precision die forging presses. The number of participating companies and exhibition areas will reach a historical high.

Since 2018, the World Manufacturing Convention has been successfully held in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province for five consecutive years. It has attracted over 14,800 guests, secured 3,021 project agreements, and seen actual investments exceeding a trillion RMB.

    Undoubtedly, this conference is a great chance for IMTEK to exchange groundbreaking ideas, share invaluable experiences, and forge collaborative ventures.  

    本届大会以“智能制造,让世界更美好”为主题,安徽省新能源汽车、集成电路、智能家电等重点企业齐聚一堂,展示优势。 据介绍,世界制造业大会将设置重点产业、制造大国、优势产业链、数字化转型、国家专业创新“小巨人”等展区。 大会将重点展示全球制造业的最新成果,包括量子计算机、强大火箭、时速高达600公里的磁悬浮列车、超导质子治疗系统、8万吨级精密模锻压机等。 参展企业数量和展览面积将创历史新高。 自2018年起,世界制造业大会已连续五年在安徽省会合肥成功举办。 累计接待嘉宾14800余人次,签约项目3021个,实际投资超万亿元。 毫无疑问,这次会议对于中创精密(IMTEK)是一次交流突破性想法、分享宝贵经验和建立合作企业的机会。 

2023年11月4日 11:13